Film & Video

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”
― Edgar Degas

Maddie Made Productions was created in 2014, named in honor of Marla's beloved dog Madeleine, and focuses on education and social change. 

Recent projects include a doula training video, "The Integrated Doula," for Mothertree Birth, which is available for rental or purchase and "She Runs" video in partnership with Hotwire Marketing. 

Marla has also produced personal works of art like The Moon Ceremony below--a celebration of genderqueer love. 

The Integrated Doula training video for Mothertree Birth in Portland, OR.

In Spring 2017 I donated services to film and edit She Runs in an effort to get more women to run for elected office. 

This is personal art piece inspired by love and Prince.

Currently Maddie Made Productions is partnering with The Elephant Circle and COLOR this year to launch Message to Our Mothers/Menajes a Nuestras Madres--a multi-media program to celebrate artists and explore the places where substance use impacts families. 

Upcoming projects

Mesa Land Trust: History of Colorado's First Land Trust

The Entrepreneur's Daughter: How We Teach Our Girls
